Trash / Recycling Program

2025 Online Payment for Trash

Annual - $360.00
Semi-Annual - $183.50
Quarterly - $93.50
Late Payment - $5.00
95 Gallon Trash Can - $60.00
Overrage Sticker Sheet (5 per sheet) - $17.00
Houseline Pickup (must be set up if not active) - $60.00

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Trash is picked up on Friday. Please be certain to set containers and yard waste at least three fee apart of each other. Trash should be placed out the night before or prior to 6am on trash day.

Click here to view the RH 2024 Trash Letter

Round Hill Bath and Tennis Club has contracted with KC Disposal to provide trash and recycling service to all Round Hill residents (both club members and non-members) who choose to participate in the program. The pick-up service is provided by KC Disposal, but Round Hill Bath and Tennis Club handles the billing and collection of fees. In turn, KC Disposal receives one check rather than hundreds. The Trash and Recycling Program is a source of revenue for the Round Hill Bath and Tennis Club and offers residents discounted rates.



If there is holiday Monday-Thursday, they will collect residential waste and recycling one day later than week. All other holidays will be on regular pick-up days.

Kansas City Metro Area Observed Holidays
New Year’s Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day



Containers – Please contact Leslie Foiles at 816.392.4766 or if you have damage to your container or have any problems with collection.

Unlimited Recycling – If you have more recycling than will fit in your green lid container, you may use other containers of your own and mark as “recycle”.

Excess Trash – Overage stickers for trash in excess of what will fit in your container are available directly from Leslie or from KC Disposal. They are 5 for $12.

Yard Waste Collection – Yard waste will be collected on a weekly basis, year-round. Eight bags or bundles will be allowed each week with an increase to 10 during October, November and December.
An Acceptable Yard Waste/Compost “item” for residential curbside pickup is a paper compost bag of grass clippings and/or leaves or a bundle of limbs/twigs no longer than 4 ft (48 inches) in length and 18 inches in diameter, tied with twine with a max weight of 50 lbs. or a 32 gal max, rigid container (clearly marked “yard waste”), level with the top of the container with a max weight of 50 lbs.

Customer Service – All questions, including issues with service or containers should be addressed to Leslie Foiles (816.392.4766 or for resolution rather than directly with KC Disposal.



Annual fee is $360 due January 1.
Semi-annual is $183.50 x 2 (due January 1 and July 1)
Quarterly is $93.50 x 4 (January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1).
Extra costs for semi-annual and quarterly are due to administrative costs.

To enroll in Round Hill’s Trash and Recycling Program, contact Leslie Foiles at 816.392.4766 or

Mail your check to:

Round Hill Bath and Tennis Club
P.O. Box 11610
Overland Park, Kansas 66207

Please note if you sell your house, we would appreciate:
Notification to Leslie Foiles (above), and
Informing the real estate agent of the trash program.

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